Bonding Friendship with IW Branding
Mrs. Abeer Dajani – Chairman of District 95 (Egypt & Jordan) threw a
lavish dinner with live music on the terrace of the Intercontinental
Hotel in Cairo overlooking the great Nile River and the fascinating
beauty of Cairo city on September 24th, 2024.
Mrs. Dajani meant to start the IW year with positive friendship bonding
between District Board members, National Representative – Samia Aboul
Fotouh, IIW Board member – Iman Bashari, PIIW Board Directors of
District 95, Past National Representatives, Past Chairmen 95, all
Presidents of Egypt & Jordan clubs, and all IW attendees held posts or
are now holding current posts, as well as the wife of the Jordanian
ambassador in Cairo.
Also, the Chairman keened publishing the IW logo on napkins and on
souvenir gifts. The attendees were 83 delegates, and all of them enjoyed
the beautiful songs of the band in an ambience of joy and happiness.