
Club Banner/Flag

Founding President

Charter Date: 1971

Honorary Active Members

Club Name

IWC of El Mansoura


30 Members

Meeting Time

Monday @ 12:00 p.m. (1st & 3rd)

Club Location

Marshal El Gizira – El Mansoura

Club Email


Social Media Links

IWC of Al Mansoura Sustainable Projects

1.Supporting Alnour wal Amal organization by teaching the Braille method to mothers of the blind in order to help support the blind becoming more active members of society since 2008.
2. Supporting Dar Alfadl for orphans with their needs in education, food, clothing as well as regular visits. This project has been an ongoing project since 2015.
3. Supporting breadwinning women and mothers in the village of Tamai Alzahera (the birth place of Um Kalthom), by contributing to the building of a factory for carpet looms and sewing machines to help and develop skills for women. This has been an ongoing project since 2016.
4. Supporting children with special needs in Dar Alamal, providing them with their needs as well as developing their home. This initiative has been an ongoing project since 2018.