
Club Banner/Flag

Founding President

Charter Date: 1975

Honorary Active Members

Club Name

IWC of Tanta


18 Members

Meeting Time

Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. (1st & 3rd)

Club Location

Tanta Club

Social Media Links

IWC of Tanta Sustainable Projects

1. Donations of medications and medical equipment to numerous hospitals in Tanta, mainly the University Hospital, the Menshawi General Hospital, the Cancer Institute, the Poison Department of the University of Tanta, and the Tanta Fever Hospital.

2. Sponsoring and supporting small projects for the female breadwinners helping them to earn a decent income to improve the quality of life their families.
3. Donating substantial sums to pay the expenses of the marriage of orphan girls, in particular, the Al-Wafaa House for Orphan Girls in the Shopper Center in Tanta.
4. Donating food and household appliances to many homes/institutions in Tanta, such as the Elderly House in Shubr, Dar Al-Azab for Orphans with Disabilities, Dar Al-Wafaa for Girls in Shubr, Dar Tasnim for Boys and Dar Al-Huda for Girls.
5. Contributing to the cost of buying artificial limbs and wheelchairs for the disabled in Tanta.