Stop HCV initiative in Inner Wheel Club of Cairo
On 22 January 2019 at Pasha Boat, members of Inner Wheel Club of Cairo, headed by Mrs. Laila Khaled, and in the presence of Mrs. Dina Ghorab, President of IWCs District 95 Egypt & Jordan. With an invitation of the Stop HCV team, one of the President Abdel Fatah El-SiSi’s initiatives to stop hepatitis C. The team carried out hepatitis C tests, blood sugar level tests and blood pressure tests for members of IWCs in Cairo and Sharm el-Sheikh, as well as employees of Pasha Boat.
This was followed by a meeting for Inner Wheel Club of Cairo members with Dr. Suheir Zaki Hawas, Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, responsible for the development of Cairo Khedive. Everyone enjoyed an interesting talk about the architectural heritage of Cairo and the efforts exerted to maintain and develop Cairo’s Khedive buildings.