IWCs Workshop to all 30 Clubs of D95 Meeting
Cairo/ EgyptSaturday the 21st of September
12:00 pm
Safir Hotel /Giza
Chairman of D95 Egypt & Jordan Mrs. Suzan Kilani/ Tayeh and District Board Members started this year by organizing a workshop to all 30 clubs of D95; Presidents, Secretaries.
treasurers and all club members.
The workshop shed the light on Inner Wheel history, objectives, rules and regulations, job descriptions and qualifications of the club executive committee.
District 95 N/R Mrs. Laila Aswad read the message of IIW President Mrs.Phyllis Charter.
District 95 Chairman
Mrs. Chairman urged the clubs presidents to constantly keep enlightening and educating their members with InnerWheel rules, spirit, and values. She stressed on the importance of carefully choosing new eligible members who are keen on working diligently in serving their clubs and Inner Wheel objectives.
Q&A followed the workshop in a very positive spirit.
A successful workshop, very positive feedback, where names met faces and all became enthusiastic to start a positive year.
All agreed that such a workshop should be done annually.
Together We Can
Abeer Dajani
Webmaster /District 95