The Inner Wheel club of Nasr City headed by Mrs Gehan Michael, held its second “Book Club” symposium on Saturday morning, November 20th, 2021 at the Hilton Heliopolis hotel..
Along with the attendees from Nasr City club there were other members from different Inner Wheel clubs.
The author “Ahmed Salamah” who is a writer, a doctor & owner of a publishing house , started with his audience the discussion of the events of his book “El-Zaafarana”, a date with the beautiful lady..which was shedding light on more than one era in the history of Egypt, the most powerful of which was the era of the Pharohs, specifically at the time of the reign of queen Hatshepsut…
The audience’s interaction with the writer was through strong discussions over controversial issues & clashes of ideas…And by the end the creative author gave an extensive explanation to clarify the hidden meanings behind the events in his book that he aimed the reader would grasp .
Looking forward to another meeting with a new book that enriches the intellectual minds of reading lovers