IWC of El Tahrir Celebrated the International Day of Peace by Planting a tree. – IW D95 Egypt & Jordan
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IWC of El Tahrir Celebrated the International Day of Peace by Planting a tree.
HomeActivities 2020 - 2021IWC of El Tahrir Celebrated the International Day of Peace by Planting a tree.
IWC of El Tahrir Celebrated the International Day of Peace by Planting a tree.
In line with the Initiative of Mrs.Mona Aref, Chairman of District 95 Egypt and Jordan, in solidarity with all Inner Wheel Districts around the world, celebrating the International Day of Peace, on Tuesday, September 15,2020, members of Inner Wheel Club of El Tahrir headed by Mrs.Lobna El Messery accompanied by Nahla Teyba, Randa El Matbouly & Soad El Gretly and Lamia Fawzy planted a tree at Abo Al-Reesh Children’s Hospital to call for Peace & Goodness. Dr. Amal Al-Sisi participated with the club.
IWC of El Tahrir members at Abo El Reesh Hospital-Cairo University
Mrs Lobna el Messiri President of IWC of El Tahrir At Abo El Reesh Hospial