IWC of Amman Philadelphia visits the “Moonlight Charitable Association”
On July 16th, 2022,
Mrs. Duha Bushnaq Abdul Hadi, President of Inner Wheel Club of Amman Philadelphia, Mrs. Widad El-Far, Vice President, Mrs. Hanan Ghawi, the Honorary secretary, and Mrs. Alia Aliyan, visited the “Moonlight Charitable Association” for the care of orphans to learn about the needs of the association.
This association was founded in February 2019. It serves more than one hundred children between the ages of seven and fourteen through presenting educational and musical courses, as well as in-kind and monetary support to needy families.
The Inner Wheel Club of Amman Philadelphia distributed 50 uniforms to the children, especially members of the choir.
The delegation enjoyed the singing of several talented children who deserve all the admiration and appreciation.
At the end of the visit, everyone had breakfast, which was provided by the club.
Mr. Mohammad Ayoub Yassin, President of the association, thanked the IWC President of Amman Philadelphia and the accompanying delegation for their assistance.
We hope we can always help those who are in need, in line with this year’s theme: «Work Wonders”