IWC of Amman Philadelphia and a lecture about Osteoporosis
On Monday, September 19th
Inner Wheel Club of Amman Philadelphia, headed by Mrs. Duha Bushnaq Abdel Hadi and the committee members, hosted Dr.Ghadeer Al-Zoubi , owner and manager of Argon medical supplies and Dr. Muhammad Saleh , anesthesiologist and back pain consultant at Abdel Hadi Hospital at the Kempinski Hotel in Amman.Dr.Ghadeer talked about vitamins and the importance of each of them in our daily life and the appropriate time to take each type. Then she distributed different types of vitamins to the attendees.After that Dr. Muhammad explained the causes of back pain and its treatment. He explained that back pain is the second main reason to doctors’ visits after common cold worldwide. He also talked about modern treatment methods through Epidural anesthesia without resorting to full anesthesia in operations. Questions were raised about osteoporosis and feet pain .At the end, Mrs Duha thanked Dr.Ghadeer and Dr.Muhammad for providing the attendees with the treasure of knowledge and valuable information