IWC of Amman Philadelphia, Activity, 2022
IWC of Amman Philadelphia
President: Nazi Qopti Fares
January 2022
IWC of Amman Philadelphia headed by Mrs. Nazi Qopti Fares and some IW members celebrated the International Inner Wheel Day, which was on January 10th, 2022.
The celebration began with cutting the cake and taking pictures while listening to the IW song.
This was followed by a speech by P. Nazi and Mrs. Mona Sweiss, past IIW Executive Board member, in which they discussed the history of the first IWC founded in Manchester in 1924 by Margaret Golding.
Mrs. Nazi also referred to the establishment of our club in 1987/1988 and spoke about the first club project, which was the dental clinic with Hemetna initiative, and the second project, which is under study, about helping battered women who should be independent and to be able to live in dignity.
The atmosphere of the meeting was festive and positive, which the members enjoyed.
We wish all IWCs of D95 EGYPT and JORDAN and IWCs worldwide all the best in their volunteers work they do for needed people.