IWC of Amman Petra Handing Over Ceremony
8/7/2021 – Members of the Inner Wheel Club of Petra met in the presence of the Vice Chairman of District 95, Mrs. Hala Banna Nassoura, at the house of the club’s president, Mrs. Seneen Baghdadi Chihabi, who welcomed us with generosity to celebrate the end of the Inner Wheel year 2020/2021 and the handing over ceremony.The year 2020/2021 has passed with great success and charitable achievements despite all the pandemic conditions it witnessed due to the Covid-19 virus. Mrs. Chihabi thanked the Board Committee members for all their giving, solidarity, and cooperation, and also wished the new Board headed by Mrs. Lynne Farradj Muasher success in the year 2021/2022.
Mrs. Chihabi presented the incoming president, Mrs. Muasher, the presidential necklace. She also presented the members with symbolic gifts to express her thanks and gratitude for the support, effort and giving of each one of them.
Mrs. Hala Banna Nassoura gave a speech in which she expressed her pride in the achievements of IWC of Petra, and conveyed the greetings of our dear colleagues in the District 95 Egypt and Jordan, and her wishes that next year will witness the decline of the epidemic and the return of life to normal.
At the end of the meeting, Mrs. Nossoura presented symbolic gifts to the Board members in a generous gesture in which she expressed the friendship, and good and beautiful companionship that binds all the members of Inner Wheel clubs.