IWC of Amman a lecture: “Osteoporosis and Aging”
On Tuesday September 13, 2022
Inner wheel Club of Amman 13/9/2022 had a lecture about women’s health “Osteoporosis and Aging “
by by Dr. Suzan Alsayed. The doctor emphasized the importance of food first, the base line examination of the bones after the age of fifty, and the importance of taking calcium and vitamin D, with the need to walk daily and do physical exercises to strengthen the muscles that embrace and protect the bones. Occupational Therapist Mrs. Nuha Salah talk about making our homes and the common areas safe by removing what might trigger falling, and making sure dim areas are lightly lit at night. President Vivian Anz Qaqish and Vice District Chairman Mrs. Abeer Dajani attended the lecture. The audience interacted with questions, and the doctor and the specialist answered their inquiries