IWC of Alexandria East Twinning Protocol with IWC of Ilioupolis Greece, 2022
On January 22nd, 2022 Inner Wheel Club of Alexandria East D95 Egypt and Jordan signed a Twinning Protocol with Inner Wheel Club of Ilioupolis District 247 Greece.
The event was on zoom with the presence of Presidents and members from both clubs.
After hearing both the National Anthem of the two countries ,Mrs. Nadia Mohy El Din PlWC of Alexandria East and Mrs. Penny Alexatou PIWC of Ilioupolis Greece gave a speech of welcome and congratulations .It was our pleasure that Mrs Mona Aref PP of D95 Egypt and Jordan attended also the signing of the protocol.
It was a joyful event demonstrating the true IW spirit of friendship without borders .
We would like to thank our colleague Mrs Amel Shabaan for her efforts with the president of Ilioupolis club Mrs Penny Alexatou to come up with the above mentioned Twinning .