IWC NEWS, 2022
Saturday 5/14/2022
The Chairwoman of District 95 Egypt and Jordan, Mrs. Hala Hagrass met in the presence of the National Representative Mrs. Iman Al-Bashari, and the Executive Committee of District 95, with guest members IWCs of Egypt of and the three Inner Wheel Clubs of Jorden, Amman, Philadelphia and Petra, at the Amman Rotana Hotel.
Mrs. Hala listened to the presentations of the three clubs’ projects during this year by the club’s Presidents .
She then gave a speech in which she thanked the clubs for the efforts made and urged them to cooperate among themselves to work on joint mega projects.
Mrs. Iman Al-Bashari, gave a speech in which she clarified some of the Inner Wheel laws and announced the name and logo of next year’s International Inner Wheel President coming from the Philippines.
At the end of the meeting, Mrs. Hala Hagrass presented a letter of thanks and appreciation to the presidents of the three clubs.
Hanaa elsadat
D95 Egypt and Jordan