IW Of Heliopolis Club – literacy class at the Mansouriya Development Association in Ezbet Abdel Qader.
IW Of Heliopolis Club.
Under the slogan “Shine A Light” and in a commitment to women’s
empowerment, the Heliopolis Club, led by Mrs. Salwa Selim, collaborated
with the Nile IW Club under Mrs. Maha Sorour and the Gezira Club under
Mrs. Azza Al-Mufti. They jointly participated in the expenses of a
literacy class at the Mansouriya Development Association in Ezbet Abdel
Qader. This class has 18 students, whose expenses will be covered. The
teachers at this location receive a monthly salary of 800 pounds each,
and 18 bags of stationery, valued at 35 pounds per bag, were distributed
to the students. Additionally, there is another classroom at Abeer Abdel
Salam School in the same area, with 28 students. The teacher there
receives a monthly salary of 1,000 pounds, and 30 bags of office
supplies, worth 35 pounds per bag, were provided to the students and
In honor of the holy month of Ramadan, Mrs. Salwa Selim, the President
of the Heliopolis Club, presented Ramadan bags to the dear lady
students, caring for their well-being as top priority.
They are deeply appreciated and respected.