Innerwheel Club of Philadelphia – Centennial Innerwheel Day
“With love and affection, we got together, and we will get together
again soon.”
The Innerwheel Club of Philadelphia Members, headed by Mrs. Hanan Ghawi,
extend their gratitude and appreciation from the Innerwheel Clubs of
Egypt represented by Mrs. Mona Abu Al-Futouh and the Board Members of
District 95, Egypt and Jordan.
Touches of love and warmth were shown on your faces our beloved ladies
of Egypt. Your generosity and hospitality were beyond description with
what you have given to all of us .
May God perpetuate the love and familiarity between us.
All respect and appreciation to Mrs. Nahla Sweiss for her spirit of
friendship and familiarity. Thanks mixed with appreciation to the
wonderful Reem Nazih and Rula Hawi Farraj for the special touches in all
the arrangements during the trip.
Happy Centennial Innerwheel Day to all the ladies of Inner wheel of
District 95, Egypt and Jordan.