Inner Wheel Club of Zamalek organizes a seminar for distinguished journalist and author Ibrahim Issa – IW D95 Egypt & Jordan
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Inner Wheel Club of Zamalek organizes a seminar for distinguished journalist and author Ibrahim Issa
HomeIWC OF ZAMALEKInner Wheel Club of Zamalek organizes a seminar for distinguished journalist and author Ibrahim Issa
Inner Wheel Club of Zamalek organizes a seminar for distinguished journalist and author Ibrahim Issa
Inner Wheel Club of Zamalek, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Maali El-Gemaei, organized an important seminar for the distinguished journalist and author Ibrahim Issa and conducted substantive dialogues about the movie “Guest” and its events. The seminar was attended by the chairmen of Inner Wheel District 95 Egypt and Jordan, former chairmen Mrs. Samia Abul Fotouh and Mrs. Susu El Esawy and members of the Board of Directors Mrs. Iman Abdel Latif, Mrs. Salwa Zaki, Mrs. Sanaa Eid and 50 members of the club, including Mrs. Bahia El-Maadawy, Mrs. Hasana Riyad, Mrs. Alya Hassouna, Mrs. Madiha Mohi Eddin, Mrs. Jihan Bashir, Mrs. Mawaheb Abou El Azm, Mrs. Mony Abou El Zahab, Mrs. Sally Al-Naqadi, Mrs. Majda Al-Alfy, Mrs. Nelly Al-Melawani, Mrs. Nehal Al-Hafnawy, Mrs. Nesereen Al-Mahdi, Mrs. Marian and Mrs. Wafa Sabri. The meeting was also attended by members of other Inner Wheel Clubs in East, West and North. Several topics were discussed and the audience interacted with Mr. Ibrahim Issa in a fruitful meeting and he answered all the audience questions in a lively dialogue and a wonderful presence.