Inner wheel club of Petra – Breast Cancer awareness month
The Inner wheel club of Petra under the presidency of Mrs. Dina Kababji Alawneh , organized an outdoor running and walking event on Sunday, October 15th, as part of the club’s October Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.
Participants ran with the athlete Julia Haddad and (breast cancer survivor)
This event was held at king Hussein Park in the presence of D95 Vice Chairman, Mrs. Rula Farradj and D95 Webmaster Mrs. Alia Alayyan. All participants gathered for coffee after the run where influencers and Breast Cancer Awareness advocates Mrs. Ghada Zada, Mrs. Lina Sakkijha and volunteer members from Sanad Support Group which works under King Hussein Cancer Foundation were present to share their personal experiences in recovering from the disease and demonstrated the importance of regular check up and early detection.
finally we would like to thank all the participants and our members for their contributions which will be donated to Al Hussein Cancer .