Initiative from (I learn) to IWC of Amman
The activity of IWC of Amman for October 20th 2020 was a lovely meeting at rest , where we sat apart taking into consideration social distancing, the breeze was lovely , with the picturesque view of Jabal Al Qala’a .Mrs. Jida Farradj invited Mr. Saddam Sayaleh from (I LEARN) initiative to explain to our ladies about how we can help the unprivileged by donating the unused old computers, tablets, and smart phones we might have.
I LEARN initiative is a group of enthusiastic young people who take what people don’t need of these computers ,,,etc and work on formatting them, reprogramming, fixing and maintaining them, then offering them to families with children who need to study ( as studying is only online nowadays ) together with internet connections.
Mrs. Naha Qubain- Vice Chairman District 95 -Egypt &Jordan attended the meeting.
We hope our ladies will circulate the idea around, so we can collect more computers, making it possible to more unprivileged children to be able to connect to their schools, thus working with this year’s logo ( Lead The Change).