IIW President, 2022-2023 | ZENAIDA Y. FARCON
Zenaida Y. Farcon, or Zeny, as she is fondly called, is a dedicated and committed Servant Leader of Inner Wheel. At a very young age of 28, she joined the Inner Wheel Club of Marikina in 1988. She was recruited by her mother-in-law, Past National Treasurer Lourdes Farcon. With barely two years’ experience as a club member, she served as President in 1990. In 1994-1995, she was elected as Chairman of District 380. As District Chairman, she sat on the Board of Inner Wheel Clubs of the Philippines, Inc. She concurrently served as National Secretary and Chairman of the National Leadership Training Seminar.
She served again as President of her club when her husband became President of the Rotary Club of Marikina in 1996. It was to honor the tradition of her husband’s Rotary Club, where both husband and wife shall serve as President of the Rotary Club and the Inner Wheel Club as a team. Both clubs became the Most Outstanding Clubs of IWCPI District 380 and RI District 3800.
Zeny Farcon has high Organizational Sensitivity, exhibiting respect for the diversity of members, clubs, and districts while preserving systems thinking and big picture image. Her passion and love for Inner Wheel moved her to serve in higher positions and important committees. Her engagements in these activities showed her Competency in Project and Events Management.
Her entry into the National Board of Trustees of Inner Wheel Clubs of the Philippines, Inc, was progressive and developmental, serving as Deputy National Representative in 1995, First Vice President for two terms in 2000-2002, Internal Auditor in 2002-2003, National Representative in 2003-2004.
Given her sincerity, dedication, generosity, hard work, leadership management competencies, and experience, Zeny, at age 47, was ready to sit as National President in 2007-2008.
Her competency in “Managing Change and Transitions” made her a significant Contributor to the historic First, Second, and Third Leadership Summits. She was a Discussant, Team Leader, and Process Owner of identified concerns affecting IWCPI’s Assets and Finances.
Zeny was a member of the National Learning and Development Committee (NLDC) and a Subject Matter Expert (SME), and served as Resource Speaker in National and District Leadership Training Seminars. She is well-remembered for her poignant presentations on topics like Revisiting the IWCPI Vision, Mission and Core Values, the Heart of a Servant Leader, Communications, Inner Wheel Branding, IWCPI History and Structure, Duties of Club and District Officers, and many more.
Zeny is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) by profession. She graduated Cum Laude and landed top 20 among 10,500 examinees in the 1981 CPA Board examination. She is currently managing her accounting and auditing firm. She is married to a Lawyer-CPA, Past District Governor Virgilio “Jun” Farcon, Jr, Rotary International’s Endowment and Major Gifts Adviser for Zone 10A for Rotary Year 2022-2025.
They have three children.
JAYJAY, eldest, is a CPA and a Juris Doctor Law graduate and recently passed the BAR exams
their second JOJO is a practicing lawyer and newly married to MACRI, who is also a lawyer
their youngest ZARAH, is a former TV scriptwriter, graduated Second Honors from Law School with a degree of Juris Doctor and recently passed the BAR exams together with her brother Jayjay
Zeny is celebrating her 34 years of friendship and service in Inner Wheel. She served as IIW Board Director for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. She was nominated and elected as IIW Vice-President for 2021-2022. Zeny is very much prepared to serve as IIW President for 2022-2023, where her dedication and competence shall contribute to the continual improvement of the management system of Inner Wheel, the organization she loves most.