Bina Vyas (India)In Inner Wheel, our ideals, objectives and service activities are wonderful. Those already involved in Inner Wheel in the world know its importance and are dedicatedly working for the betterment of the organisation.


My Mission Is:


To further make the clubs and Districts vibrant and dynamic by encouraging clubs to improve the involvement of members at every level.


To encourage clubs and Districts to do extraordinary work in building the brand image of Inner Wheel in public by promoting large significant projects and creating awareness about brand Inner Wheel through print and electronic media.


To make the organisation financially stronger by encouraging contributions to Inner Wheel Corpus and rewarding and recognising such members.


To promote a Corporate project which can be replicated globally


To encourage clubs and Districts to increase young techno friendly members and Districts to promote New Gen Inner Wheel clubs.


To identify distinguished Inner Wheel leaders who would reach out to countries where Inner Wheel does not exist and promote Inner Wheel Clubs and Districts in such countries.


My Future Vision is:


To see Inner Wheel as the only women’s organisation to empower women globally through significant projects related to education, health and financial independence.


To bring recognition to Inner Wheel as a global force for the betterment and empowerment of women and children.


To help spread and cultivate the inborn values of women like sharing, caring, giving and loving to achieve a peaceful world.Christine Kirby (Australia)Soon after hectic busy year as IIWP – it is my pleasure to serve as IPP 2019-20.Elizabeth Thomas (GB&I)With 10 years working in international banking in Luxembourg, 30 years in accountancy back home in the UK and latterly as Association Treasurer in GB&I, I feel that I have the necessary training and experience to take on this very important and complex role. My main objectives would be to ensure the financial integrity of IIW and obtaining the best investment returns for its capital and reserves.


I love the international aspect of our organisation and would greatly enjoy working with the Executive Committee and Board Directors as well as getting know members throughout the world as Treasurer. I speak French, German and Italian which could also be useful in communicating with fellow members.


What do I hope for the future of Inner Wheel? We must be positive, raise the profile of Inner Wheel in the heart of our communities, use social media, strengthen and support our Clubs, embrace open membership while respecting and supporting our existing members, continue to adapt and respond to the challenges of today, make our meetings fresher and more interesting to attract new members who can enjoy our very, very special Inner Wheel friendship.Corinne Dalleur (Belgium & Luxembourg)It is a great honor and privilege for me to serve as Constitution Chairman of International Inner Wheel, our beautiful and caring organization.


Member of Inner Wheel for 18 years, I have held several functions at Club, District and National level of Inner Wheel in my country. Board Director for two years and participating at Inner Wheel meetings outside my country gave me the opportunity to meet a diversity of members and to work with them. Working together motivates and teaches tolerance.


Tolerance means being able to appreciate and respect the diversity of the others. This diversity which exists in Inner Wheel worldwide is the strength of our organization.


Let’s preserve the values of Inner Wheel while adapting Inner Wheel to today’s world. We all have the same goals. We are all women who want to give a better future to less fortunate people in our society.


It is essential that we actively promote and strengthen Inner Wheel to ensure the future of Inner Wheel by retaining membership and by gaining new members.


Our organization needs a Constitution to go forward. The Constitution covers the fundamental principles, goals and mission of our organization and the way to build an effective group of members. It also allows members and potential members to have a better understanding of what the organization is all about and how it functions. The Constitution gives uniqueness to Inner Wheel.


It is in Friendship and Service that I will help the members to have better understanding and use of our Constitution.