
Seetha Lakshmi Snk Narayananseetha-lakshmi.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Patricia Garcia Gonzalezpatricia-garcia-gonzalez.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Karin van Heldenkarin-van-helden.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

I have been a member of Inner Wheel since 1999. My husband Dr Lakshmanan is a dentist and a Past District Governor. While I always enjoyed being by his side I always felt that I was not involved. One day I came across a group of ladies doing exactly what Rotarians were doing. Upon further enquiries I learnt about Inner Wheel. I became Charter President of Inner Wheel Club of Klang in 1999.

I have served my club and my District in various positions. My passion lies in Training Club and District Officers. I enjoy conducting training sessions for the incoming office bearers. I believe in proper preparation for a successful year.

I come from a multi-racial country, various languages spoken. All our Inner wheel meetings are conducted in English. There are some ladies who are not very comfortable to converse in English. This could be due to shyness or not having sufficient exposure to the language. I would like to encourage more members in the age 50 and above category to be more adventurous and take on active roles in the clubs.

My early education has been in Finance. I currently work part-time in my husband’s 3 dental practices as a clinical administrator.
My vision for the future of Inner Wheel is for it to be a platform to bring out individuals and sometimes hidden passions in every woman.


Patricia Garcia Gonzalez was born in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco. At the age of three, her family moved to Mexico City, where she studied at the “Escuela Normal de Especializacion” , obtaining the degree of Professor in Special Education. She married with Napoleon Malo Mogora, currently a member OF Rotary Club of Cuernavaca, A.C.

In 1975 they established their residence at Cuernavaca, Morelos, where their children were born: Rodrigo Electronics and Communications Engineering and Rebeca, degree in Accounting and Finance. They are proud to be grandparents of two boys and a girl.

Cuernavaca city is where she was working in the area of care for children with special educational needs, first in the Children’s Rehabilitation Center of Cuernavaca, the one a government office named “DIF” and later in the Minister of Public Education (SEP), being the first teacher to perform work for the opening Specia l Education services in the State. She later worked with children with intellectual disabilities and Down Syn drome. Later, with slow-learning students and finally with children with Outstanding Skills, ending her career in 2002. It is noteworthy that all her teaching was made in Public Elementary Schools.

On the community service, started within International Inner Wheel, being a founding member of the Inner Wheel Club Cuernavaca Chipitlan. She has been an active member from February 8, 1989 to date. In 1993 -1994 was for the first time President of the Club and in 1996- 1997, she collaborated with the District Chairman 418, Alma Lilia Quintero Chevez, serving as District Secretary. On many occasions she has served her Club and International Inner Wheel, occupying various positions within it, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, ISO; on 2005-2006, 2009-2010 and 2019 – 2020 Club President again, reaching the District Chairman in 2008-2009. Currently, has been named Honorary Member in her Club.

In the year 201 2-2013 is elected National Representative from Mexico and she handed the responsibility to attend IIW President, Mrs. Carole Young in her visit to our country. Her main goals within the organization are to increase membership, the constant updating of the active members, training parents, having as goal to achieve the objectives of the organization which are: to promote the true friendship, encourage the ideals of personal service and strengthen international understanding.


Let’s show IIW to the world: we are too good to be ignored!!

I am a founding member of IW club Arnhem Geldria in 2003. Being a President of my club was an eye-opener: discovering the possibilities of Inner Wheel, visiting the Rallies Charlemagne I saw how much was going on outside my national borders. Really amazing getting to know women all over the world and feeling the connection of being a member of the same worldwide organisation with the same ideals and goals to be achieved. I also had the honour to be the chairman of the Dutch PR commission for five years, during which time a website, flyers, national newsletters and several digital presentations were created.

My motto is make Inner Wheel more visible! Inner Wheel must not remain a well-kept secret anymore. We must realize we changed into an independent international organization of great importance.

We have to use all possible means to tell the world who we are and what we do. Let’s be proud of Inner Wheel and tell the world.

The social media give us the opportunity to do so.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, e-meetings and video conferences make it easier to work together in a more efficient way. We can have international digital platforms to communicate with districts, clubs and members worldwide. We can combine our strength by exchanging ideas and projects and get inspired by each other.

Let’s move to connect!

In last 20 years I had seen, friends in Inner Wheel rendering immense services to humanity and brought smiles on many faces.

Carol Haskettcarol-haskett.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Phebean Aladephebean-alade.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Feerooza Byram Avarifeerooza-avari.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

I have been actively involved in Inner Wheel since joining the organization in 2003. Having served at District and National levels in New Zealand for several years. I have been part of the team that developed our National strategy. I feel it is imperative that we all set goals and can develop a plan so that we can achieve and succeed in the years ahead. With a background in management and business ownership I have strong HR and leadership skills and enjoy working with others to achieve results.

There is a need to increase awareness of Inner Wheel through all Medias and by increasing awareness we can promote and build membership by engaging with women who have a desire to connect with their communities. The need to connect has been highlighted by the isolation and loneliness experienced through the pandemic lockdown and the focus is now on mental well being to get us all through the turmoil caused by Covid 19.

Inner Wheel is an organization that women can connect to with our focus on empowering women and girls. We create true friendships through working together on projects that improve the lives of others and we have fun along the way.

In Inner Wheel we work as a team to make a positive difference in our communities. I would enjoy being a part of the International team working with everyone to grow membership and awareness ensuring we can celebrate all that we achieve worldwide beyond our Centenary celebration in 2024.


I joined International Inner Wheel as Charter Secretary of IWC, Bodija, lbadan (1985/l 986).

As the Club. President (1988 / 1989), an indigent student, Femi Adeeko was granted a scholarship for University. He is currently a Director in Oando PLC, Nigeria’ s largest indigenous oil /gas company. Awareness of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), a global public health problem was promoted.1000 students we re screened for SCD.

As District Chairman(2002/2003), breast cancer screening was sponsored throughout the District. Members and non-members who had breast lumps were treated by medical professionals sponsored by the District. A mammography centre was built in Ilesa, Southwest of Nigeria and commissioned by Suzanne Nielsen, l.I.W President 2008 /2009. The University of lbadan Teaching Hospital, honoured the District for this humanitarian gesture.

As National Representative(2015/2016), Educational materials were distributed to schools. Scoholarships were awarded to 3 indigent students: Hamzat Hafeezat Mathematics (District 911), Dorcas Jeremiah, Agric Economics (District 913) and Maryam Egenti, Business Education(District 914). Cervical Cancer Screening and seminars were sponsored across the country. Ni ne clubs were chartered .

As Board Director, I promise to work diligently to promote the aims and object of International Inner Wheel, reach out in friendship while encouraging the ideals of personal service worldwide. I will carry out assigned responsibilities to move our Sterling Organization forward.

My contribution in the nineties was to expand both the quality and quantity of our Clubs and members and promote friendship and fellowship. Today with 5 Districts, 67 Clubs and over 950 members in Pakistan my goals, though still similar, are slightly different. I want and will work to put Pakistan on the international I.W. platform and help our members stand up and be counted in international circles.

International Members should visit Pakistan and see for themselves the work being done here. Such visits will help create positivity, give confidence and a boost to do more. Smaller countries need to be appreciated for their contribution and these visits will also bring understanding of each other’s cultures and customs. A wealth of knowledge can be gained and will bring members closer together.

For years now, Pakistan has prioritized working on improving girl’s education, focusing on the environment and investing in healthcare. Tree plantations, banning use of plastics, opening free healthcare clinics, starting small girls’ schools are among some of the projects we plan to expand on in the future. I would encourage peer to peer learning and exchange where International Clubs, in collaboration with Pakistani clubs, could learn from the experiences of each other and start collaborative projects both in Pakistan and other countries. People to people contact is what is most needed today to bring lasting peace, unity and harmony in the world and the Inner Wheel platform can go a long way in fulfilling that need.

Diana Rahamandiana-rahaman.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Catherine Ineichencatherine-ineichen.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Zena Coles Zena Coleszena-coles.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Commenced as Charter Vice President and count 33 years of service. My Club career embodies various positions, where I contributed administratively’ connected networks, improved financial discipline and motivated Members through innovative leadership actions.At District, I provided an advisory and supportive role during Club visits. The National Hospital was in need of a costly surgical-drill, to improve the efficiency of its neurosurgeries. We raised funds and procured the drill, thus helping hundreds of patients. To mark International Women’s Day, visually impaired women were tasked to transcribe and proof-read text books into Braille as a livelihood project. These books are used, by visually handicapped youth for studies. The Tsunami that engulfed Sri Lanka provided opportunities for lnner Wheel and I was in the forefront of many laudable projects, to uplift those affected through wellness programs for new mothers, livelihood and humanitarian projects. Similarly, during the Covid 19 pandemic, assisted many deserving families with essentials, medicinal drugs and cash grants. Served as Rally Treasurer for the 2nd South Asian Rally, where 8oo overseas Members participated, in addition as Treasurer for the 2o14/15 District Project: ‘Educate to Protect’. Reached out to 1o,ooo+ girl children, to create awareness on self protection. My vision is to position lnner Wheel as a dynamic and friendly Association that promotes self actualization by the act of ‘doing good’. My goal is to attract a wider membership and bring in a rich and diverse culture with good values, to ensure the sustainability/growth of lnner Wheel. Growth has always being my priority and the Club chartered by me, has a formidable membership even today. I sincerely believe that Public Relations and Communication are vital initiatives to achieve that goal, with the use of social media. I pledge to uphold those ideals as a catalyst, in order lnner Wheel thrives as a service organization.

As our world works through this world-wide pandemic and COVID-19, let us be ever mindful of the many individuals that have sadly lost their lives and to be thankful for those who were able to recover. IW members must continue the good work being done as the world maneuvers this new norm. I would appreciate the privilege to once again serve IIW as a Board Director in 2021-22. Almost 20 years ago I joined the Inner Wheel Club Zug in my home. This is how I came to know and appreciate the Inner Wheel friendship. Even when I was going through a difficult time personally, these friends were there for me.

The development of IW is very important to me. But what does ‘development’ mean?

My motto as DC was: GENERATION – The integration of new members. Connecting the different age groups. We can also learn a lot from each other, the older members know how our wheel turns perfectly, the new ones bring the momentum and fresh élan. In return, it requires respect, tolerance and generosity from everyone. Every member is unique! Together we give a big colorful bouquet with many faces, ideas, experiences – that is why IW is unique and we have to take care of it. It is very important to talk and listen to each other.

The challenge of the uniqueness of each member, club and district is that the IW’s core values, traditions and modernization through technology are not forgotten.

As a BD I would like to spread my passion and joy to IW and give my drive for the momentum in the wheel.

I am a keen gardener and one of the most enjoyable aspects of gardening is watching plants bloom and grow. I would like to think we can accomplish this in Inner Wheel with an abundance of friendship, belief in what we already have and plenty of nurturing and support to produce members and clubs which will continue to bloom and grow for many years.

I spent three productive years as Chairman of the Association Constitution Committee and J can assure you that Constitution is never boring – it is challenging! In my six years working on the GB&I Association Executive I was able to see first hand how much our members achieve both at home and abroad and to encourage and publicise their efforts.

I value the many friendships made over 35 years in Inner Wheel and feel that this quality and support for one another should be at the centre of our organisation. As Association President I gave Inner Wheel roses as presents and was delighted to hear that, after a bad hail storm, in amongst the flattened perennials, there was one plant that survived and still looked beautiful – the Inner Wheel rose – which stands as a lasting tribute to our organisationI

Inner Wheel worldwide can make a difference to people’s lives in many ways and, if elected, I will continue with my efforts to ensure that this work thrives in our ever changing world – just like my garden

Marjorie Jonesmajorie-jones.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Gemma Pirondini Venutigemma-pirondi-venuti.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Mamta Guptamamta-gupta.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

It was my honor to be selected as an IIW Board Director for 2020-21. In my work as an educator and elementary school principal for 28 years, I have learned the benefits as working as a team. Today IIW must continue to work together toward commons goals to make positive change happen.

Membership and the retaining/growing of Inner Wheel clubs is a vital part of our IW focus. In the last 35 years as a charter member of the Inner Wheel Club of Citrus Heights, California, I have had the privilege of serving others in the community while developing lifelong IW friendships. The promoting and branding of our Inner Wheel name is essential to attract prospective members to our organization. We need every member to take on the leadership role of showcasing Inner Wheel. As Inner Wheelers, we have much to share with so many outstanding community projects around the world. I am proud to be an Inner Wheel member!

Since I joined the IW Club of Como, D.204, in 1991, Inner Wheel has been a very important part of my life. I have always been attracted by the international side of our Organization. During the ominous period of COVID-19 pandemic, had the opportunity to experience how efficient and effective internet-based telecommunications can be to keep contacts throughout the world at every level of our Association. I have felt that geographically distant IW friends are actually much closer than ever. This experience has made me realize that we must take full advantage of these new and diverse ways of communicating to deepen our mutual knowledge, share ideas and projects to help women and children, to ensure a solid and bright future. I’m eager to put my diverse experience at Club, District and National Council and my understanding of our Organization at national and international levels at the service of IIW. If I am elected for a second year to the office of Board Director, I’ll continue to commit myself to strengthen international links and implement the rewarding task of supporting the Non-Districted Clubs.


To concentrate on few long term projects, like providing ‘home for aged’. People at large should associate Inner Wheel with it.

Increase membership, number of clubs and Districts to make Inner Wheel largest voluntary services organization in the world.

Make IIW more millennial by catching Young members and form NEW GEN CLUBs.

As club President, bought 11,000 Square Feet land for a Long Term Project. A Home for the Aged, “Apnalay” is built, where 22 senior citizens are living.

As District Chairman, installed 100+ sanitary napkin vending machines & incinerators to girls’ schools/ colleges.

As Association President & NR added 72 New Clubs (23 NEW GEN) and 6840 new members.

Mission Mamta- Orphan Free India 2024 was launched. 46,000+ members in 1369 clubs under 27 Districts took it as national project and facilitated adoption of 600+ orphans and foster caring of 25,000+ children.

Branding Inner Wheel through one million hoarding, billboards & posters, distribution of 1.5 Million Sanitary Napkins and million jute bags (remove plastic project).

Attended 3 IIW Conventions, 4 Triennial Conferences and South Asia Rally.

Conceptualized/designed Postal Covers to commemorate 75th death anniversary of Ms. Golding.

Painting got highest vote and auctioned at 15th IIW Convention.

I visualize Inner Wheel should become a household name, let it emerge as a global brand for its charitable and philanthropic services for underprivileged women and orphan children.

Karin van Heldenkaija-kejiola.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Laila El Aswadlaila-el-aswad.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Zhivka Stoyanovazhivka-stoyanova.c5689ada0b0f79d9ace5911384f2082747

Now we are living in a new normal. The world around us has changed.Covid-19 Virus has changed us. We have to adapt the changes, to change our behaviour, our habits, to do work and things in the different way, to use new methods for communication. Inner Wheel President’s theme for 2020-2021 year is “Lead the Change”. Our Inner Wheel organization is strong because it is international and it has a long history.I believe it can with its leadership to help members and it’s relations to manage to build trust and give support to those who need it. Before Covid-19 Virus we saw also unexpected amount of refuges with different backgrounds to enter to the new countries and it continues. After serving international ICT companies in Strategy, Business Development and Customer Service area and still connected to international business duties, I give my experience and knowledge to Inner Wheel’s use. I have been Inner Wheel member over 30 years. It would be an honour if I would be elected as Board Director. I will do my best to support Inner Wheel’s operations internationally and foster understanding between countries. Encouraging members personal service, helping to share know how and knowledge, by contributing new communication strategies and methods in the use of Inner Wheel. I believe we attract the new members, and we will become stronger. Inner Wheel’s strengths and values are experienced and educated members in every country.

The future of the Inner wheel is in our hands- together we can inspire it.

We can love it and give it new life for tomorrow and future.

We must have achieved so much for the benefit and future of IIW and helping to make the world a safer and better place for all to live. We, as IIW members have to positive – positive about our future- positive about our projects.

., Positive about our membership the Word negative is not in my vocabulary.

We have to prove we are and always will be the world’s best and largest women’s voluntary service organization. We have to be positive and prove to the world that IIW is a name that everyone will come to know.

We are all with the same responsibilities and ambitions. By adding our individuals skills and working together as a team. We can see IIW grow around the world. We have to focus on social and financial problems of poor and even rich countries. Our aim is to be solve the health and environmental problems of poor countries and social and behavior problems in rich countries.

Let us all be inspirational and Innovative – so that ” together we can” change the world enabling every one to live in healthy and peaceful life.

We need to lead the positive change by empowering our members by guiding them as leaders in their own rights.
We need to have a vision to remain one step a head of the coming changes.

I joined IW 20 years ago when my IWC Stara Zagora was formed and since then my membership in IIW is my privilege.

To me, IW is responsibility, love, friendship, goodness and inspiration. IW gives us the opportunity to work in a TEAM, to achieve our goals and to grow both personally and spiritually. The nomination for BD by my country is an honour and my next challenge in the vast world of IIW.

I have had the opportunity to experience IW during various levels. I was voting delegate in 2015, as a NR 2015-2017 attended the 9th EM 2015 and 10th EM 2016 and took part in the Forum WfE6 and WfE8. These events highlighted the comprehensive nature of IIW on a global level- the language of friendship and selfless service does not need translation. Everything I saw and heard I shared as District Chairman of 248.

IIW is an organization that is constantly and successfully developing in the rhythm of modern society. The colourful palette of different in age and skillset women of action successfully builds the bright future of IIW. The change bequeathed to us by the incredible and determined Margarette Golding will continue to lead us on the right path. Thanks to new technologies, all of us, united to continue to work regardless of the new reality.

Tolerance, respect, expansion, skill share and training at all levels are leading in following the three main goals of our organization and a guarantee for its success.

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