First Meeting for IWCs District 95 Egypt & Jordan President 2018/2019 Mrs. Dina Ghorab.
Under this year International Inner Wheel Club slogan 2018/2019“Empower and Evolve”
The first primary meeting for IWCs district 95 Egypt & Jordon was held on Saturday the 15th of September 2018 at 12 pm at Le Pacha Boat with the presence of IWCs district 95 Egypt & Jordon board of directors for year 2018/2019.
Mrs Laila Al-Aswaad IWC National delegate (Egypt)
Mrs Dina Ghorab IWC President (Egypt)
Mrs Eman El-Bashary Vice National delegate (Egypt)
Mrs Zainab El Ghazaaly Vice President (Egypt)
Mrs Suzan Kelany Vice President (Jordon)
Mrs Samia Hatata Former President (Egypt)
Mrs Azza El-Mofty honorary Secretary (Egypt)
Mrs Enaya Sharara Club Development Manager (Egypt)
Mrs Mona El-Gemeay International Services Manager (Egypt)
Mrs Eman Tarshouby Editor of IWCs 95th Distrct of Egypt and Jordan bulletin.
We were honored by the presence of Mrs. Mona Sweis, member of the Board of Directors of Inner Wheel International Club in Jordan, National Delegates and former presidents of the region, as well as a gathering of heads, secretaries and treasurers of IWCs District 95 Egypt & Jordan.
Each member of the Board of Directors delivered a welcome speech, full of hope and optimism for a successful Inner Wheel year. President Mrs. Dina Ghorab, also delivered a speech on behalf of Mrs. Kamelah Tawfiq, treasurer of IWCs and Mrs. Hana El Sadat, who are responsible for the website.
This year IWCs main objectives to be were discussed, most importantly National IWCs for Women’s and Girls’ Project, which was approved by Melbourne Conference in April 2018 and will continue for the next three years.
At the end of the meeting, last year magazines were distributed 2017/2018 on the club delegates.
The meeting was filled with an atmosphere full of love and friendship and best wishes to a successful year to all.
Dear friends and colleagues
“If we want life, let us dig in our hearts a river for love and tenderness”
Eman Tarshouby
Editor of the IWCs 95th Distrct of Egypt and Jordan bulletin.