D95 Egypt & Jordan celebrating IIW day & Golden Jubilee of D95 by zoom Meeting.
17/1/2020 – District 95 Egypt & Jordan celebrate the 97th Anniversary of International Inner Wheel, and the Golden Jubilee of the 5 pioneer clubs of District 95 Egypt & Jordan (Inner Wheel Clubs of Cairo, Amman, Alexandria, El Mansoura, and Heliopolis) on January 17, the celebration was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year was an exceptional one due to the unique challenges we faced. Thankfully, the club members of D95 in Egypt & Jordan led by Mrs. Mona Aref continued to do important work towards achieving our goals.Mrs. Iman El-Bashari, the National Representative, started the celebration by congratulating everyone on the occasion of International Inner Wheel Day and on the 50th anniversary of District 95, and referred to the pioneering clubs that were founded in 1971. Next, Mrs. Mona Aref also extended her congratulations, and invited the attendees to speak about this unique event. After that, the esteemed executive committee of D95 Egypt & Jordan spoke —
Fifty years of service and true friendship, and we are here to fulfill the dream that was called 97 years ago by Mrs. Margarette Golding, and we continue the journey of those who preceded us.This day cannot be overlooked or forgotten, including the International Day of Inner Wheel, and its continued celebration.
Club presidents gave speeches in which they praised the Inner Wheel, and their clubs’ dedication to present and achieve the goals of Inner Wheel for the benefit of society.
Several women left their distinctive marks on this great organization. Words pay tribute to them and their work, which we hope to continue:
Mrs.Sherifa Sakr, Past D.ChaIrman, NR, IIW P. board director
Mrs. Ashnadelle Hilmy Mortagy,Past D. Chairman, NR, IIW Editor/MM P board director
Mrs. Mona Sweiss, Past D.Chairman, NR, and IIW P board director
At the end, Mrs. Aref expressed her thanks, appreciation, and gratitude to all the past Chairmen of the district since its establishment.
In a gesture of loyalty and humanity, we prayed for mercy and forgiveness to the distinguished women who left us, and whose presence and generosity we miss.
The meeting was adjourned with the attendees in good spirits and hopefully future holds better.