D95 Egypt & Jordan Board Committee’s 2nd official meeting with IWCs Delegates, News, 2021
On Saturday, December 3rd, 2021
At Le Pasha boat in Zamalek at 12 noon.
The second meeting for District95 Egypt and Jordan with the IWCs’ Delegates , for the year 2021/2022.
In the presence of:
NR Mrs. Iman El-Bashary,(Egypt)
VC Mrs. Afaf Maged (Egypt)
Deputy NR Mrs. Nihal El-Bakry (Egypt),
VC Mrs. Hala Nassora (Jordan),
PC Mrs. Mona Aref, (Egypt)
HS Mrs. Mona Aboul Fotouh,(Egypt)
Treasurer Mrs.Omayma Ezzat,(Egypt)
ISO Mrs. Reem Nazih, (Egypt)
Extension Chairman Mrs. Nelly Helmy,(Egypt)
Editor Mrs. Maha Shaheen, (Jordan),
Web Master Mrs. Hanaa El-Sadat.(Egypt)
CD 95 Mrs Hala Hagrass could not attend the meeting as her mother passed away the previous day.
NR Mrs. Iman Al-Bashary welcomed IW District Board Committee members and Mrs. Laila Al-Aswad, a member of IIW Board of Directors for the year 2021/2022.
She also welcomed guest members of IWCs in Jordan (Amman, Philadelphia and Petra) and all Presidents and members of IWCs in Egypt.
Mrs El Bashary reviewed the speech of the IIW President EBE MARTINES, and the meaning of her Theme, “Pink First” for the year 2021-2022, as well as spreading awareness about cervical cancer and the contribution of all clubs to its treatment.
She also indicated that the candidate as NR for the next year 2022/2023 is Mrs Suzan Al Tayeh (Jordan), and the Deputy NR is Mrs. Nenat Shararah (Egypt), and both candidates have fulfilled the conditions for candidacy
and the nomination of IIW member in the Board of Directors for the year 2022/2023 will be Mrs. Ashnadelle Hilmy .
Ms. Afaf Maged, Vice-President, read the speech of the DC Mrs. Hala Hagrass, in which she reviewed the projects contributed by the clubs for women and girls in both Egypt and Jordan and pointed out the need to activate workshops to understand the provisions of the constitution regulating the work of this prestigious institution and urged the clubs to spread awareness about breast cancer and the contribution to its treatment, because this is what the IIW President indicated this year.
She also focused on the importance of the post of the club delegate in representing her club as per mentioned in the constitution.
She also explained how to follow the procedures in accepting new member to the club.
She stressed on the activation of a workshop to understand the provisions of the IIW Constitution.
She asked all clubs to plant trees on January 10, 2022 in celebration of IIW Day.
In her speech, HS Mrs. Mona Aboul Fotouh noted the vacant positions for the year 2022/2023.
Then came the words of the rest of the distinguished members of the Executive Board Committee.
The past IWD95 editor Mrs. Nana Al-Tarshoubi, distributed the District magazine for the year 2020/2021 to all members of clubs in Egypt and Jordan.
The meeting ended in an atmosphere of cordiality, love and friendship.
Hanaa elsadat
Web Master
D95 Egypt and Jordan