Celebrating the 99th anniversary of Inner Wheel
District 95 Egypt and Jordan celebrated IIW Day on Tuesday the 10th of January 2023 in the presence of the IIW President Mrs. Zenaida Farcon and First Gentleman PDG Mr. Virgilio Farcon at the Marriott, Omar Khayyam Hotel in Cairo.
The celebration began with the Egyptian, Jordanian and Philippines national anthems. The National Representative Mrs. Suzan Kilani delivered her speech welcoming the IIW President and thanking her for accepting D95 invitation to visit IW clubs in Egypt and Jordan.
District 95 Chairman, Mrs. Nora Fayek welcomed the IIW President, her husband, and the attendees. She emphasized the slogan of the Inner Wheel this year” Work Wonders” and praised the efforts of the Inner Wheel members in undertaking development projects in community service. She also announced the establishment of a new Inner Wheel Youth Club “New Generation Club” IWC of New Cairo presided by Mrs. Nihal El Bakry.
A “Meet the President “ video was played presenting the goals and objectives of the IIWP for this year 2022-2023 .
The IIW President delivered her speech, in which she expressed her appreciation of the projects presented by the IWCs of D95, especially 57357 Hospital for the treatment of children’s cancer patients, which she had visited earlier. Mrs. Farcon noted the honorable effort made by the director of the hospital, Dr. Sherif Abo Al-Naga, and the support offered by the members of the Inner Wheel. She also expressed her appreciation of Mrs. Nora Fayek’s meticulous organizational effort. To mark the establishment of the first youth club this year, the IIWP presented the Club Charter to the club president and the IW pins to the members.
The celebration included artistic performances by the children of the Tawasul Association for the Development of the “Stable Antar” district. The young performers, who are the beneficiaries of Tawasul’s educational services, were praised by the IIW president.
A short film about the projects of the Inner Wheel during the last six months — from July till December was played. It documented District 95 IWCs’ achievements of this year’s Inner Wheel goals.
IIWP honored PIIW Board Directors and Margarette Golding Recipients
The IIWP presented the pin to the NR and DC and the presidential flag to NR, DC and to members of the D95 Executive Committee.
On behalf of the D95 Inner Wheel clubs, the Chairman presented the district flag to the IIW President and a gift as a token of friendship and appreciation