In line with the theme ” Heartbeat of Humanity” and Inner Wheel Club of Alexandria El-Nozha , led by Mrs. Heba El Kady successfully delivered essential medicines on December 24 to Borg El Arab University Hospital for Children’s Cancer, addressing a critical need of the hospital.
District 95 Egypt and Jorda. Nurturing Orphans project. . Under the theme , “Heartbeat of Humanity,” Inner Wheel Club of Alexandria Cleopatra, led by Mrs Soheir Fahmy and Honorary Secretary Doaa Hamdy, conducted a humanitarian gesture on Saturday, December 14. The club members visited Safia Gemei Orphanage in Alexandria, They were warmly welcomed by Ms. Engy Fouad Naser el din the Chairman of the orphanage’s board of directors, along with other board members and Mrs Mervat Mahmoud, the orphanage manager.The club provided an entertaining music show for the children and celebrated their birthdays. Gifts were distributed to each child to bring joy and happiness to their hearts. It was a beautiful day that brought immense joy to us, This initiative is one of the club’s sustainable projects, and we are committed to following up on this in the future to support the community and care for the less fortunate.
District 95 Egypt and Jordan Charity Clothing exhibition
Inner Wheel Club of Alexandria Mediterranean , headed by Heba Abu Al-Nasr, and in cooperation with the Women’s Club and Student Affairs of Alexandria University organized a clothing exhibition for the university’s students, the attendance was numerous , and all the exhibits were high quality .
District 95 Egypt and Jordan Holding an exhibition for charitable projects.
Under the theme ” Heartbeat of humanity,” the Inner wheel Club of Heliopolis , headed by Mrs. Enayat Saad El-Din organized the club’s annual bazaar at the Baron Hotel – Heliopolis on Saturday, December 14, 2024, as one of the club’s sustainable project The bazar was full of familiarity, friendliness, and cooperation with the guests and club’s members. The bazaar included many high-quality and diverse exhibits, including clothes, homemade food, accessories, silverware, and wooden decorations to fulfil different needs. It is worth noted that all proceeds will be allocated to support charitable projects.
District 95 Egypt and Jordan Joyful Christmas Celebration Friendship Bonding
On Saturday, December 14, 2024, Inner Wheel Club of Alexandria headed by Mrs. Mona El Hakim, in cooperation with Inner Wheel Club of Alexandria East, headed by Mrs. Magda Salam celebrated Christmas lunch at Trianon Restaurant in Raml Station. The ceremony was attended by the Vice D95 Chairman, Dr. Mervat El Azouni, the D95 Webmaster, Dr. Amel El-Ghitany, Mrs.Mona Aref Past D 95 Chairman, and a group of distinguished members of Different IWCs of Alexandria. The place was filled with warmth and unforgotable spirit of the occasion. Adding to the festive atmosphere was a special performance by a talented singer and his band who made everyone sway to the tunes. Members also surrounded the cake where it was cut in celebration of December births. It is worth noting that the proceeds of the event will be allocated to the charitable projects of the two clubs. To everyone who joined us, thank you for making this Christmas lunch an unforgettable event. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!
District 95 EGYPT AND JORDAN Education Support project
Inner Wheel Club of Alexandria East, headed by Mrs Magda Sallam, visited several schools in Alexandria to deliver school bags, uniforms, and paid school fees for 61 students who are struggling to pay their school fees to complete their education
IW District 95 Egypt & Jordon Health care donation for Burn Hospital Donation amount 116000 L.E
Under the theme “Heartbeat of Humanity”, on December 4, 2024 , IWC of Al Tahrir members headed by Sahar Gadallah took the initiative to support Burns Hospital “Ahl Masr” which needed construction completion. Members of the club visited and toured the hospital , which is a great edifice that includes the latest advanced medical equipment and is distinguished by excellent medical care with great nursing and sterilization at the highest level. Our club handed over cheques amounting LE 116,000/- (One hundred sixteen thousand Egyptian pounds) for this humanitarian project.
We would like to express our gratitude for the donation of LE 100,000/- (One hundred thousand Egyption Pounds) made by Mrs. Nada Abdel Aziz Kiwan, 1st Secretary, Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for this humanitarian project in the name of IWC of Al Tahrir.
In a compassionate gesture filled with love and generosity, the IWC of Amman/ Petra, led by President Lina Husseiny and board members, visited the Al Hussein Social Foundation for Orphan Care in Al-Ashrafieh on December 4, 2024. They were received by the foundation’s president, Mrs. Sanaa Nuaimat. During the visit, the club donated clothing to 209 children, ranging in age from one day to 12 years, and arranged for an entertainment group and a variety of fruits to bring joy to the children’s hearts.
This initiative is part of a series of charitable activities that the IWC of Amman/ Petra is keen to implement, reaffirming its steadfast commitment to supporting the local community and caring for the less fortunate.
Inner Wheel Club of Alexandria East, headed by Mrs Magda Sallam, visited several schools in Alexandria to deliver school bags, uniforms, and paid school fees for 61 students who are struggling to pay their school fees to complete their education.
District 95 Egypt & Jordan IWC of Al Tahrir Elderly care project
Under the theme “Heartbeat of Humanity“, On Nov. 19, 2024 , members of IWC of Al Tahrir headed by Sahar Gadallah made a visit to “Om Hany” elderly home in “Al Warraq” area , one of club’ sustainable projects supporting the underprivileged homes. We provided 30 blankets , 20 sets of bed sheets, various food stuff i.e 50 chicken, 50 kg of rice, 10 kg noodles, 12 tomato paste jars, 12 bottles of oil, 12 kg of butter, Lima beans, white beans , lentils , 10 Jam jars etc.
It was a truly heartwarming experience. As well as useful and interesting to have an interactive talk to gain benefits from their years of experience and to feel that we have given them a touch of love and gratitude.